1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:多模态数据知识发现的多粒度计算机理与方法研究(62376229),2024年1月—2027年12月,直接经费50万元,总人数10。
2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:面向复杂数据的多粒度知识发现建模与三支决策分析(61976245),2020年1月—2023年12月,直接经费61万元,总人数9。
3. 主持并完成国家自然科学基金面上项目:多源直觉模糊数据集知识发现的粒计算方法研究(61472463),2015年1月—2018年12月,总经费60万元,总人数8。
4. 主持并完成国家自然科学基金青年项目:直觉模糊近似空间和形式背景中的知识获取研究(61105041),2012年1月—2014年12月,总经费22万元,总人数6。
5. 主持并完成中央高校基本科研业务费专项重点项目:基于多粒度与三支决策的复杂数据分析与知识获取研究(XDJK2019B029),2019年3月—2021年12月,总经费20万元,总人数7。
6. 主持重庆市自然科学基金创新发展联合基金(重庆市自然科学基金重点项目):面向智能制造的复杂大数据多粒度智能决策建模与应用研究(CSTB2023NSCQ-LZX0027 ),总经费50万元,2023年10月—2026年9月。
7. 主持并完成重庆市自然科学基金项目:模糊数据集中基于粒计算的双量化决策方法研究(cstc2015jcyjA40053),2015年3月—2018年6月,总经费5万元,总人数2。
8. 主持并完成重庆市自然科学基金项目:直觉模糊环境下信息系统与形式背景中知识发现和规则提取的理论方法研究(cstc2011jjA40037),2011年3月—2014年6月,总经费5万元,总人数3。
9. 主持并完成中国博士后基金项目:基于粗糙集的带偏好信息系统的决策分析研究(20100481331),2010年8月—2012年8月,总经费3万元,总人数5。
10. 主持并完成重庆市教委科技项目:基于粗糙集的直觉模糊知识获取方法研究(KJ120805),2012年1月—2013年12月,总经费2万元,总人数5。
11. 主持并完成重庆市教委科技项目:优势关系下信息系统知识获取的方法研究(KJ090612),2009年1月—2010年12月,总经费2万元,总人数5。
12. 主持并完成重庆理工大学基础学科重点资助项目:覆盖广义粗糙集的分析应用(2008ZD03),2008年1月—2010年12月,总经费4万元,总人数3。
13. 第一主研国家自然科学基金面上项目:动态复杂数据的多粒度建模与知识获取研究(12371465),2024年1月—2027年12月,直接经费43.5万元,总人数9。
14. 第一主研国家自然科学基金项目: 多粒度框架下带偏好直觉模糊数据集的信息融合与知识发现研究(61772002),2018年1月—2021年12月,直接经费50万元,总人数9。
15. 第一主研国家自然科学基金项目:面向带偏好直觉模糊数据的粒计算与知识获取研究(61402064),2015年1月—2018年12月,总经费25万元,总人数7。
16. 第一主研并完成国家自然科学基金项目:基于L1/2正则化的压缩传感可重构性理论研究(11001227),2011年1月—2013年12月,总经费19万元,总人数7。
17. 第二主研并完成国家自然科学基金项目,多准则群决策分类方法及应用研究(71071124),2011年1月—2013年12月;总经费35万元,总人数6。
18. 第一主研重庆市自然科学基金面上项目:多粒度视角下大规模复杂数据的样例选择与知识发现研究(CSTB2023NSCQ-MSX1063),2023年7月—2026年6月,总经费10万元,总人数6。
19. 第一主研重庆市教委科技项目:基于粗糙集与证据理论的模糊决策及不确定性研究(KJ1709221),2017年1月—2018年12月,总经费2万元,总人数2。
20. 第一主研并完成重庆市自然科学基金项目:直觉模糊环境下带偏好信息系统的决策分析研究(cstc2013jcyja40051),2013年6月—2015年12月,总经费5万元,总人数5。
1. Xu Weihua, Zhang Yang, Qian Yuhua. A Novel Unsupervised Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data based on FCM and k-Nearest Neighbor Rough Sets, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2025, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3460796. (SCI: I2Z2B)
2. Xu Weihua, Ye Weirui. Incremental feature selection: Parallel approach with local neighborhoodrough sets and composite entropy,Pattern Recognition. 2025, 159, 111141. (SCI: M1E2O)
3. Xu Weihua,Tian Zhenyuan. Feature selection and information fusion based on preference ranking organization method in interval-valued multi-source decision-making information systems, Information Sciences. 2025, 700,121860. (SCI: 待检)
4. Xu Weihua,Yang Zisuo. Preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation-based feature selection for multiple source ordered information systems,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2025, 142,109935. (SCI: 待检)
5. Xu Weihua,Li Yigao. Enhancing information fusion and feature selection efficiency via the PROMETHEE method for multi-source dynamic decision data sets, Knowledge-Based Systems. 2025, 309,112781. (SCI: O6S0M)
6. Kong Qingzhao, Yan Conghao, Xu Weihua*. Simplified rough sets, Information Sciences. 2025, 686,121367. (SCI: E2C5W)
7. Xu Weihua,Li Jinlong. Granular-ball-matrix-based incremental semi-supervised feature selection approach to high-dimensional variation using neighbourhood discernibility degree for ordered partially labelled dataset, Applied Intelligence. 2025, DOI: 10.1007/s10489-024-06134-1. (SCI: 待检)
8. Zhang Xiaoyan, Lin Jiajia. Scalable data fusion via a scale-based hierarchical framework: Adapting to multi-source and multi-scale scenarios. Information Fusion, 2025, 114, 102694. (SCI: G4A9B)
9. Zhang Xiaoyan, Yu Shijia. A prospect theory-driven three-way decision framework: Integrating prior probability tolerance and dominance relations in fuzzy incomplete information systems. Expert Systems With Applications, 2025, 264, 125833. (SCI: P3O9J)
10. Zhang Xiaoyan, Shen Xuan. Graph-driven feature selection via granular-rectangular neighborhood rough sets for interval-valued data sets. Applied Soft Computing, 2025, 170, 112716. (SCI: 待检)
1. Wang Jinbo, Xu Weihua*, Ding Weiping,Qian Yuhua. Multi-View Fuzzy Concept-Cognitive Learning With High-Order Information Fusion of Fuzzy Attributes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2024,32(12): 6965-6978. (SCI: O6A6T)
2. Guo Doudou, Xu Weihua*, Ding Weiping,Yao Yiyu, Wang Xizhao,Pedrycz Witold, Qian Yuhua. Concept-cognitive learning survey: Mining and fusing knowledge from data, Information Fusion, 2024, 109,102426. (SCI: K7L2U)
3. Guo Doudou, Xu Weihua*, Qian Yuhua, Ding Weiping. Fuzzy-granular Concept-cognitive Learning via Three-way Decision: Performance Evaluation on Dynamic Knowledge Discovery, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2024, 32(3): 1409-1423. (SCI: KJ9X5)
4. Ding Yi, Xu Weihua*, Ding Weiping, Qian Yuhua. IFCRL: Interval-intent Fuzzy Concept Re-cognition Learning Model, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2024, 32(6): 3581-3593. (SCI: TG5X6)
5. Zhao Xinpeng, Xu Weihua*. NFMPAtt-Unet: Neighborhood Fuzzy C-means Multi-scale Pyramid Hybrid Attention Unet for medical image segmentation, Neural Networks. 2024, 178, 106489. (SCI: XU9A7)
6. Xu Weihua*, Huang Man, Jiang Zongying, Qian Yuhua. Graph-Based Unsupervised Feature Selection for Interval-Valued Information System, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2024, 35(9): 12576-12589. (SCI: E5RN3)
7. Xu Weihua*, Yuan Ziting, Liu Zheng. Feature selection for unbalanced distribution hybrid data based on k-nearest neighborhood rough set, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. 2024, 5(1): 229-243.
8. Xu Weihua*, Lin Yufei, Wang Na. A novel multi-source information fusion method based on dependency interval, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. 2024, 8(4): 3180-3194. (SCI: OQ9X8)
9. Xu Weihua*, Bu Qinyuan. Feature Selection Using Generalized Multi-Granulation Dominance Neighborhood Rough Set Based on Weight Partition, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. 2024, DOI:10.1109/TETCI.2024.3398027. (SCI: RW9B7)
10. Xu Weihua*, Bu Qinyuan. Matrix-based incremental feature selection method using weight-partitioned multigranulation rough set, Information Sciences, 2024, 681, 121219. (SCI: E4J8A)
11. Xu Weihua, Yang Yifei, Ding Yi*, Chen Xiyang, Lv Xiaofang. Incremental feature selection approach tomulti-dimensional variation based on matrix dominance conditional entropy for ordered data set, Applied Intelligence. 2024, 54(6): 4890-4910. (SCI: OV0A8)
12. Xu Weihua*,Cai Ke, Wang Debby D. A novel information fusion method using improved entropy measure in multi-source incomplete interval-valued datasets, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2024, 164:109081.(SCI: AU0I9)
13. Xu Weihua*,Liu Changchun. Incremental reduction of imbalanced distributed mixed data based on k-nearest neighbor rough set, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2024, 172: 109218.(SCI: WQ4S0)
14. Kong Qingzhao, Wang Wanting, Xu Weihua*, et al. A method of data analysis based on division-mining-fusion strategy, Information Sciences. 2024, 666,120450. (SCI: QN7G3)
15. Cai Ke, Xu Weihua*. An Efficient Multi-Source Information Fusion Approach for Dynamic Interval-Valued Data via Fuzzy Approximate Conditional Entropy, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2024,15(9): 3619-3645. (SCI: MO8M8)
16. Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhao Weicheng. Uncertainty measures and feature selection based on composite entropy for generalized multigranulation fuzzy neighborhood rough set, Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2024, 486, 108971. (SCI: SD0E2)
17. Zhang Xiaoyan, Feng Zihan. Feature selection based on contradictory state sequence for multi-scale interval valued decision table. Information Sciences, 2024, 677, 120926. (SCI: E4G6O)
18. Zhang Xiaoyan, Wang Jinghong, Hou Jianglong. Matrix-based approximation dynamic update approach to multi-granulation neighborhood rough sets for intuitionistic fuzzy ordered datasets. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 163, 111915. (SCI: XV3J6)
19. Yuan Kehua, Xu Weihua, Miao Duoqian. A local rough set method for feature selection by variable precision composite measure, Applied Soft Computing. 2024, 155:111450. (SCI: OR0P2)
20. Wu Jiaming, Tsang Eric C.C., Xu Weihua, et al. Correlation concept-cognitive learning model for multi-label classification, Knowledge-Based Systems. 2024, 290,111566. (SCI: MO0D1)
21. Zhang Chengling, Tsang Eric C.C., Xu Weihua, et al. Dynamic updating variable precision three-way concept method based on two-way concept-cognitive learning in fuzzy formal contexts, Information Sciences. 2024, 655,119818. (SCI: Z9CX3)
22. 郭豆豆,徐伟华*.R-FCCL:一种面向高维数据的模糊概念认知学习方法.计算机研究与发展. 2024. DOI:10.7544/ issn1000-239. 202330428. (CSCD网络首发)
23. 张晓燕,王佳一. 三支概念背景下属性粒化效率的度量. 计算机工程与科学:2024, 46(4): 725-733.
24. 张晓燕, 李璐. 区间值决策表中基于相对优势邻域粒度的属性约简. 西南大学学报(自然科学版):2024, 46(5): 67-76.
25. 徐伟华,丁一,邓彪.基于区间值犹豫模糊多粒度粗糙集的三支决策模型.陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 52(3): 37-46. (CSCD)
26. 张晓燕,黄雨阳.广义多尺度决策表最优尺度选择的快速算法.闽南师范大学学报(自然科学版):2024, 37(2):1-7.
27. 徐伟华, 林玉飞.基于模糊三支概念的冲突分析.闽南师范大学学报(自然科学版):2024, 37(1):1-7.
1. Guo Douou, Xu Weihua*,Qian Yuhua, Ding Weiping. M-FCCL: Memory-based concept-cognitive learning for dynamic fuzzy data classification and knowledge fusion, Information Fusion, 2023, 100,101962. (SCI:R5EE4)
2. Xu Weihua, Guo Doudou, Qian Yuhua, Ding Weiping. Two-way Concept-cognitive Learning Method: A Fuzzy-based Progressive Learning, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2023,31(6):1885-1899. (SCI:I2IA3)
3. Xu Weihua, Guo Doudou, Mi Jusheng, Qian Yuhua, Zheng Keyin, Ding Weiping. Two-way Concept-cognitive Learning via Concept Movement Viewpoint, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.2023, 34(10): 6798-6812. (SCI: 8H5XY)
4. Xu Weihua, Pan Yanzhou, Chen Xiuwei, Qian Yuhua, Ding Weiping. A Novel Dynamic Fusion Approach Using Information Entropy for Interval-Valued Ordered Datasets, IEEE Transactions on Big Data. 2023,9(3):845-859.(SCI:G3NZ7)
5. Xu Weihua, Yuan Kehua, Li Wentao,Ding Weiping. An Emerging Fuzzy Feature Selection Method Using Composite Entropy-Based Uncertainty Measure and Data Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2023,7(1): 76-88. (SCI: 1V0UL)
6. Li Wentao,Zhou Haoxiang, Xu Weihua*, Wang Xizhao, Pedrycz Witold. Interval Dominance-Based Feature Selection for Interval-Valued Ordered Data,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, 34(10): 6898–6912. (SCI: 2S1JS)
7. Sang Binbin, Xu Weihua*, Chen Hongmei, Li Tianrui. Active Antinoise Fuzzy Dominance Rough Feature Selection Using Adaptive K-Nearest Neighbors, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2023, 31(11): 3944-3958. (SCI: X2WN7)
8. Guo Douou, Xu Weihua*. Fuzzy-based concept-cognitive learning: An investigation of novel approach to tumor diagnosis analysis, Information Sciences, 2023, 639,118998. (SCI:H8KB4 )
9. Xu Weihua*, Yang Yifei. Matrix-based feature selection approach using conditional entropy for ordered data set with time-evolving features. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 110947. (SCI:T4TV0)
10. Xie Xiaoxian, Xu Weihua*, Li Jinjin, A novel concept-cognitive learning method: A perspective from competences. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 110382. (SCI: 9P5TN)
11. Pan Yanzhou, Xu Weihua*, Ran Qinwen. An incremental approach to feature selection using the weighted dominance-based neighborhood rough sets. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2023,14:1217–1233. (SCI: 5W6KY)
12. Zhang Xiaoyan, Huang Xudong, Xu Weihua. Matrix-based multi-granulation fusion approach for dynamic updating of knowledge in multi-source information, Knowledge-Based Systems.2023,262,110257. (SCI: 8L0ST)
13. Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Jirong. Incremental feature selection approach to interval-valued fuzzy decision information systems based on $\lemda$-fuzzy similarity selfinformation, Information Sciences, 2023, 625: 593-619. (SCI: 8H5LT)
14. Zhang Xiaoyan, Hang Yuyang. Optimal scale selection and knowledge discovery in generalized multi-scale decision tables. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2023, 161: 108983.(SCI: I3AU3)
15. Zhang Xiaoyan, Guo Doudou, Xu Weihua. Two-way concept-cognitive learning with multi-source fuzzy context. Cognitive Computation. 2023,15:1526–1548 .(SCI: 9D8KB)
16. Zhang Xiaoyan, Hou Jianglong. A novel rough set method based on adjustable-perspective dominance relations in intuitionistic fuzzy ordered decision tables. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2023, 154:218-241.(SCI: 8H5EL)
17. Zhang Xiaoyan, Jiang Zongying, Xu Weihua. Feature selection using a weightedmethod in interval-valued decision information systems. Applied Intelligence, 2023, 53(9): 9858-9877. (SCI: 3T1ST)
18. Zhang Chengling, Tsang Eric C.C., Xu Weihua, Lin Yidong, Yang Lanzhen. Incremental concept-cognitive learning approach for concept classification oriented to weighted fuzzy concepts, Knowledge-Based Systems.2023,260,110093. (SCI: G8LH6)
19. 徐伟华,潘彦舟. 加权变精度直觉模糊序信息决策表的近似约简.南京大学学报(自然科学). 2023,59(1):1-11. (CSCD)
20. 徐伟华,黄旭东,蔡可.基于粒计算的多源信息融合方法综述.数据采集与处理,2023,38(02):245-261.(CSCD)
21. 张晓燕,匡洪毅.区间值序决策表的条件熵属性约简. 山西大学学报(自然科学版). 2023,46(1):101-107. (CSCD)
22. 徐伟华,林玉飞.模糊三支概念簇的理论与实践. 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版). 2023,35(1):40-48. (CSCD)
23. 张晓燕,王佳一. 属性聚类下三支概念的对比. 计算机应用. 2023,43(05):1336-1341.(CSCD)
24. 陈曜琦,徐伟华,蒋宗颖.三支概念的恢复集. 山东大学学报(理学版),2023, 58(12): 52-62.(CSCD)
1. Sang Binbin, Chen Hongmei, Yang Lei, Li Tianrui, Xu Weihua. Incremental Feature Selection Using a Conditional Entropy Based on Fuzzy Dominance Neighborhood Rough Sets. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022,30(6):1683-1697. (SCI: 1T4KB)
2.Hu Meng, Tsang Eric C. C., Guo Yanting, Xu Weihua. Fast and Robust Attribute Reduction Based on the Separability in Fuzzy Decision Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022,52(6):5559-5572. (SCI: 2O4GR)
3. Li Wentao, Zhai Shichao, Xu Weihua, Pedrycz Witold, Qian Yuhua, Ding Weiping. Feature Selection Approach Based on Improved Fuzzy C-Means with Principle of Refined Justifiable Granularity, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3217377.(SCI:待检)
4. Xu Weihua*, Yuan Kehua, Li Wentao. Dynamic updating approximations of local generalized multigranulation neighborhood rough set. Applied Intelligence, 2022,52(8): 9148-9173. (SCI: XY6QK)
5. Xu Weihua*, Chen Yaoqi. Multi-attention concept-cognitive learning model: A perspective from conceptual clustering. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 252(27): 109472. (SCI: J8WL3)
6. Yuan Kehua, Xu Weihua*, Li Wentao, Ding Weiping. An incremental learning mechanism for object classificationbased on progressive fuzzy three-way concept. Information Sciences, 2022, 584(1): 127-147. (SCI: XA5AB)
7. Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Jirong, Mi Jusheng. Dynamic updating approximations approach to multi-granulation interval-valued hesitant fuzzy information systems with time-evolving attributes. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 238: 107809(SCI: 0I1AX)
8. Zhang Xiaoyan, Chen Xiuwei*, Xu Weihua,Ding Weiping. Dynamic information fusion in multi-source incomplete interval-valued information system with variation of information sources and attributes. Information Sciences, 2022,608: 1-27. (SCI: 3L2ZT)
9. Zhang Xiaoyan, Hou Jianglong, Li Jirong. Multigranulation Rough Set Methods and Applications Based on Neighborhood Dominance Relation in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Datasets. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 24(8): 3602-3625. (SCI: 5Z2UP)
10. Chen Xiuwei, and Xu Weihua*. Double-quantitative multigranulation rough fuzzy set based on logical operations in multi-source decision systems. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2022, 13(4): 1021-1048. (SCI: WM9CD)
11. Kong Qingzhao, Xu Weihua*, Zhang Dongxiao. A comparative study of different granular structures induced from the information systems. Soft Computing, 2022, 26(1): 105-122. (SCI: YC2SN)
12.Li Wentao, Xu Weihua, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhang Jia. Updating approximations with dynamic objects based on local multigranulation rough sets in ordered information systems, Artificial Intelligence Review. 2022, 55(3): 1821-1855. (SCI: TS4SW)
13. Hu Meng, Tsang Eric C. C., Guo Yanting, Chen Degang, Xu Weihua. Attribute reduction based on overlap degree and k-nearestneighbor rough sets in decision information systems. Information Sciences, 2022, 584(1): 301-324. (SCI: XA5AB)
14. Kong Qingzhao, Zhang Xiawei, Xu Weihua*, Long Binghan, A novel granular computing model based on three-way decision, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2022, 144:92-112. (SCI: 0N2GA)
15. Zhang, Xiaoyan, Yang, Qian. A Novel Method for Decision Making by Double-Quantitative Rough Sets in Hesitant Fuzzy Systems. Mathematics 2022, 10, 2069. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10122069 (SCI: 2K4NE)
16. 徐伟华, 蒋宗颖. 度量偏好直觉模糊序决策信息系统的分布约简. 昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2022,47(1):22-29. (CSCD)
17. 徐伟华, 孔子默, 陈曜琦. 含属性加权的模糊序信息系统的近似约简. 南京大学学报(自然科学版).2022,58(2):255-263. (CSCD)
18 徐伟华,李思琪. 可变精度邻域区间值决策表的属性约简. 西北大学学报(自然科学版),2022,52(5):737-744.(CSCD)
19. 徐伟华,李泽峰,黄旭东. 带属性偏好的模糊序决策信息系统的分配约简. 海南热带海洋学院学报, 2022,29(2):74-79.
20. 张晓燕, 刘铮, 侯江龙. 直觉模糊偏好度量序决策表的近似约简. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,44(9):168-177.
21. 徐伟华, 张俊杰, 陈修伟. 带关注度的模糊序决策信息系统的分布约简. 计算机科学, 2022. (已录用)
1.Li Zhen, Zhang Xiaoyan*. Multiple Granulation Rough Set Approach to Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Information Systems. Symmetry 2021, 13, 949. (SCI: SY6CL)
2.Sang Binbin, Chen Hongmei, Yang Lei, Li Tianrui, Xu Weihua, Luo Chuan. Feature selection for dynamic interval-valued ordered data based on fuzzy dominance neighborhood rough set. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 227(9): Article 107223. (SCI: TS0WX)
3.Yuan Kehua, Li Wentao, Xu Weihua, Zhan Tao, Zhang Libo, Liu Shuai. A comparative experimental evaluation on performance of type-1 and interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelss. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2021, 10(7): 3225-3244. (SCI: SQ0QJ)
4. Sang Binbin, Chen Hongmei, Yang Lei, Zhou Dapeng, Li Tianrui, Xu Weihua. Incremental attribute reduction approaches for ordered data with time-evolving objects. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 212(6): Article 106583. (SCI: PN5NK)
5. Hu Meng, Tsang Eric C. C., Guo Yanting, Chen Degang, Xu Weihua. A novel approach to attribute reduction based on weighted neighborhood rough sets. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 220(6): Article 106908. (SCI: RJ5ZK)
6. Yang Lei, Qin Keyun, Sang Binbin, Xu Weihua. Dynamic fuzzy neighborhood rough set approach for interval-valued information systems with fuzzy decision, Applied Soft Computing. 2021, 111: 107679. (SCI: XG3OO)
7. Zhang Xiaoyan*, Li Jirong, Wu Mingling. Multi-granulation interval-valued fuzzy rough set model under hesitant environment. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 2021, 22(10): 2231-2245. (SCI: YW0MX)
8.李文涛, 李璋, 朱春龙, 徐伟华. 邻域集值双量化粗糙集. 数学季刊, 2021, 36(2): 122-140.
9. 冉钦文, 徐伟华. 优势关系下带属性权重模糊决策表的部分一致约简. 模糊系统与数学, 2021, 35(6): 28-35.
10. 汤悦, 李文涛, 徐伟华, 詹弢. 直觉模糊序信息系统中双量化粗糙集模型. 模糊系统与数学, 2021, 35(6): 87-100.
1. Zhan Jianming, Xu Weihua, Two types of coverings based multigranulation rough fuzzy sets and applications to decision making. Artificial Intelligence Review.2020, 53(1):167-198. (SCI: KJ0AE)
2. Kong Qingzhao, Zhang Xiawei, Xu Weihua*, Xie Shutong. Attribute reducts of multi-granulation information system, Artificial Intelligence Review. 2020, 53(2): 1353-1371. (SCI: KL2RC)
3. Lin Bingyan, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua, et al, Dynamically updating approximations based on multi-threshold tolerance relation in incomplete interval-valued decision information systems, Knowledge and Information Systems. 2020, 62(3): 1063-1087. (SCI: KU2YM)
4. Guo Yanting, Tsang Eric C. C., Hu Meng, Lin Xuxin, Chen Degang, Xu Weihua, Chen Degang. Incremental updating approximations for double-quantitative decision-theoretic rough sets with the variation of objects. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2020, 189(2): 105082. (SCI: KH9FS)
5. Tsang, E.C.C., Fan, Binjiao, Chen Degang, Xu Weihua, Li Wentao. Multi-level cognitive concept learning method oriented to data sets with fuzziness: a perspective from features. Soft Computing. 2020, 24(5): 3753-3770. (SCI: KS9BY)
6. Guo Yanting, Tsang Eric C. C., Xu Weihua, Chen Degang. Adaptive weighted generalized multi-granulation interval-valued decision-theoretic rough sets. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2020, 187(1): 104804. (SCI: JU4NI)
7. Yang Lei, Xu Weihua*, Zhang Xiaoyan, Sang Binbin,Multi-granulation method for information fusion in multi-source decision information system, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2020, 122: 47-65. (SCI: LT8NB)
8. Long Binghan, Xu Weihua*, Zhang Xiaoyan, Yang Lei, The dynamic update method of attribute-induced three-way granular concept in formal contexts, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2020, 126:228-248.(SCI: OA7XD)
9. Li Wentao, Xue Xiaoping, Xu Weihua, Zhan Tao, Fan Bingjiao, Double-quantitative variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2020,124:1-26. (SCI: NH4KV)
10. Sang Binbin, Yang Lei, Chen Hongmei, Li Tianrui, Xu Weihua, Yu Hong, Incremental approaches for heterogeneous feature selection in dynamic ordered data, Information Sciences, 2020, 541:475-501. (SCI: NU4HA)
11. Yang Lei, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua,Sang Binbin, Attribute reduction based on improving DIT in interval-valued ordered information system, The Journal of Engineering, 2020(13):429-437. (EI: 20203909221279)
12. Long Binghan, Xu Weihua*, Zhang Xiaoyan, Double threshold construction method for attribute-induced three-way concept lattice in incomplete fuzzy formal context, The Journal of Engineering, 2020(13):549-554. (EI: 20203909221288)
13. 李金海,闫梦宇,徐伟华,折延宏,张文修.概念认知学习的若干问题与思考.西北大学学报(自然科学版),2020,04:501-515.
14. 徐伟华,杨蕾,张晓燕.模糊三支形式概念分析与概念认知学习.西北大学学报(自然科学版),2020,04:516-528.
15. 徐伟华,苑克花,李文涛.多属性直觉模糊容差粗糙集模型.南京信息工程大学学报,2020,12(3):284-288.
1. Sang Binbin, Yang Lei, Chen Hongmei, Xu Weihua, Guo Yanting, Yuan Zhong. Generalized multi-granulation double-quantitative decision-theoretic rough set of multi-source information system. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2019, 115(12): 157-179. (SCI:待检)
2. Li Wentao, Pedrycz Witold, Xue Xiaoping, Xu Weihua, Fan Bingjiao, Fuzziness and incremental information of disjoint regions in double-quantitative decision-theoretic rough set model. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019, 10(10): 2669–2690. (SCI:待检)
3. Li Mengmeng, Chen Minghao, Xu Weihua, Double-quantitative multigranulation decision-theoretic rough fuzzy set model. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2019, 10(11): 3225-3244. (SCI: JK4GT)
4. Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua, et al. Local multigranulation decision-theoretic rough set in ordered information systems. Soft Computing. 2019, 23(4): 13247-13261. (SCI: JK4FR)
5. Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*,Partially consistent reduction based on discernibility information tree in interval-valued fuzzy ordered information systems with decision, Journal of Nonlinear and convex analysis, 2019,20(6):1077-1087. (SCI: IU3AK)
6. Yang Lei, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua, Sang Binbin. Multi-granulation Rough Sets and Uncertainty Measurement for Multi-source Fuzzy Information System, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2019,21(6):1919-1937.(SCI: IU6HM)
7. Lin Bingyan, Zhang Xiaoyan*. Relative Reduction of Incomplete Interval-valued Decision Information Systems Associated with Evidence Theory. Journal of Information Sciences and Engineering, 2019, 35(6): 1377-1396. (SCI: JK6WX)
8. Kong Qingzhao, Xu Weihua, The comparative study of covering rough sets and multi-granulation rough sets, Soft Computing.2019, 23: 3237-3251.(SCI: HT7HS)
9. Sang Binbin, Long Binghan, Pang Jinzhong, Xu Weihua*.The Method of Data Analysis in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Generalized Consistent Decision Formal Context. Entropy 2019, 21: 262. (SCI: HT2IO)
10. Fan, Binjiao, Tsang, E.C.C., Xu Weihua, Chen Degang. Attribute-oriented cognitive concept learning strategy: a multi-level method. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2019, 10(9): 2421-2437. (SCI: IR4QF)
11. Guo Yanting, Tsang Eric C. C., Xu Weihua, Chen Degang. Local logical disjunction double-quantitative rough sets, Information Sciences, 2019, 500: 87-112. (SCI: IN5JM)
12. Chen Degang, Xu Weihua, Li Jinhai, Granular computing in machine learning, Granular Computing, 2019, 4(3): 299-300.
13. Kong Qingzhao, Zhang Xiaowei, Xu Weihua, Operation properties and algebraic properties of multi-covering rough sets, Granular Computing, 2019, 4(3):377-390.
14. Shi Derong, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Probabilistic decision making based on rough sets in interval-valued fuzzy information systems, Granular Computing,2019, 4(3):391-405.
15. 杨蕾,张晓燕,徐伟华.区间值序信息系统中差别信息树的属性约简.计算机科学与探索,2019, 13(6): 1062-1069.
16. 杨蕾,张晓燕,徐伟华. 序决策信息系统中基于差别信息树的分配约简方法, 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2019, 51(2): 84-89.
17. 龙柄翰,徐伟华.模糊三支概念分析与模糊三支概念格.南京大学学报(自然科学),2019(04):537-545.
18. 龙柄翰,徐伟华,张晓燕.不协调目标信息系统中基于改进差别信息树的分布属性约简.计算机科学,2019,46(S1):115-119.
1. Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua, Lower Approximation Reduction Based on Discernibility Information Tree in Inconsistent Ordered Decision Information Systems, Symmetry 2018, 10(12): 696. (SCI:HG1NS)
2. Sang Binbin, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua. Attribute Reduction of Relative Knowledge Granularity in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Decision Table, FILOMAT, 2018, 32(5): 1727-1736 (SCI: HA4HS)
3. Sang Binbin, Guo Yanting,Shi Derong, Xu Weihua*, Decision-theoretic rough set model of multi-source decision systems, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2018, 9: 1941-1954. (SCI: GV0MW)
4. Lin Bingyan, Xu Weihua*, Multi-Granulation Rough Set for Incomplete Interval-Valued Decision Information Systems Based on Multi-Threshold Tolerance Relation, Symmetry 2018, 10(6), 208; https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10060208. (SCI: GK6GW)
5. Kong Qingzhao, Xu Weihua*, Operation properties and algebraic application of covering rough sets, Fundamenta Informaticae, 2018: 385-408. (SCI:GL6AZ)
6. Yu Jianhang, Zhang Biao, Chen Minghao, Xu Weihua, Double-quantitative decision-theoretic approach to multigranulation approximate space, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2018: 236-258. (SCI:GK3NA)
7. Li Wentao, Pedrycz Witold, Xue Xiaoping, Xu Weihua, Fan Bingjiao, Distance-based double-quantitative rough fuzzy sets with logic operations, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2018, 101: 206-233. (SCI:GV3IP)
8. Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua, Attribute reduction in interval-valued fuzzy ordered decision tables via evidence theory, The Journal of Engineering, 2018, 16: 1475-1482. (EI:20184806132745)
9. Li Wentao, Pedrycz Witold, Xue Xiaoping, Zhang Xiaoyan, Fan Bingjiao, Long Binghan, Information measure of absolute and relative quantification in double-quantitative decision- theoretic rough set model, The Journal of Engineering, 2018, 16: 1436-1441. (EI:20184806131980)
10. Chen Degang, Xu Weihua, Li Jinhai, Granular computing in machine Learning, Granular Computing, 2018: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41066-018-00146-2.
11. 林冰雁, 徐伟华, 杨倩, 带偏好度量的直觉模糊序决策信息系统的部分一致约简, 计算机科学, 45(1), 2018: 148-152.(CSCD)
12. 杨倩, 徐伟华, 林冰雁, 度量加权直觉模糊序信息系统的粗糙隶属度, 郑州大学学报(理学版), 50(2), 2018: 56-62. (CSCD)
1. Xu Weihua, Li Mengmeng, Wang Xizhao, Information Fusion Based on Information Entropy in Fuzzy Multi-source Incomplete Information System, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. 2017,19(4):1200–1216. (SCI:FD2QW)
2.Li Mengmeng, Zhang Xiaoyan, Information Fusion in a Multi-Source Incomplete Information System Based on Information Entropy, Entropy 2017, 19(11), 570; doi:10.3390/e19110570. (SCI:FR4AC)
3.Xu Weihua, Li Jinhai, Shao Mingwen, Zhang Wenxiu. Editorial, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2017,8(1):1-2.(SCI: EJ6DU)
4. Yu Jianhang, Xu Weihua*. Incremental knowledge discovering in interval-valued decision information system with the dynamic data, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2017,8(1):849-864.(SCI: EV0PF)
5. Yu Jianhang, Chen Minghao, Xu Weihua. Dynamic computing rough approximations approach to time-evolving information granule interval-valued ordered information system, Applied Soft Computing. 2017,60(1):18-29.(SCI: FL2TI)
6. Zhao Yingxiu, LiJinhai, Liu Wenqi, Xu Weihua. Cognitive concept learning from incomplete information, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2017,8(1):159-170.(SCI: EJ6DU)
7. Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Ling, Xu Weihua. Attributes reduction and rules acquisition in an lattice-valued information system with fuzzy decision, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2017, 8(1): 135-148. (SCI: EJ6DU)
8. Xu Weihua, Yu Jianhang, A novel approach to information fusion in multi-source datasets: A granular computing viewpoint, Information Sciences, 2017, 378:410-423. (SCI: ED8AW)
9. Fan Bingjiao, Tsang Eric C. C., Xu Weihua, Yu Jianhang, Double-quantitative rough fuzzy set based decisions: A logical operations method, Information Sciences, 2017, 378:264-281. (SCI: ED8AW)
10. Guo Yanting, Tsang Eric C. C., Xu Weihua, A weighted multi-granulation decision-theoretic approach to multi-source decision systems. ICMLC 2017: 202-210. (EI: 20180904842857).
11. Sang Binbin, Xu Weihua *, Rough membership measure in intuitionistic fuzzy information system. ICNC-FSKD 2017: 1241-1246. (EI: 20183005590198).
12. Shi Derong, Sang Binin, Xu Weihua*, The graded multi-granulation rough set based on interval-valued fuzzy information system. ICNC-FSKD 2017: 1872-1878. (EI: 20183005590412).
13. Xu Weihua, Li Wentao, Zhang Xiantao, Generalized multigranulation rough sets and optimal granularity selection, Granular Computing, 2017 2(4): 271-288..
14. 史德容,徐伟华*,区间值模糊决策序信息系统的分布约简.计算机科学与探索.2017,11(4): 652-658.
15. 胡猛, 徐伟华*,李蒙蒙,郭艳婷. 直觉模糊序信息系统下基于精度与程度逻辑运算的粗糙集.模糊系统与数学,2017,31(1):155-164.
16. 胡猛, 李蒙蒙,徐伟华*. 直觉模糊序信息系统下变精度与程度的“逻辑且”粗糙集.计算机科学.2017,44(5):206-210.
17. 张晓燕,史德容,魏玲,格值信息系统的知识分辨度与信息熵.计算机科学与探索. 2017,11 (8): 1340-1346.
18. 张晓燕,桑彬彬,魏玲,格值信息系统的粗糙熵与不确定度量.计算机科学.2017,44 (9): 88-92.
19. 桑彬彬,徐伟华*,直觉模糊序决策信息系统的分布约简.模糊系统与数学,2017,31(2):164-170.
20. 桑彬彬,徐伟华*,直觉模糊序决策信息系统的分配约简.计算机科学. 2017, 44(6A): 75-79.
21. 张佳, 张晓燕, 徐伟华, 区间值模糊信息系统的粗糙隶属度, 数码设计, 2017, 6(6): 8-11.
1. Yu Jianhang, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Zhao Zhenhua, Xu Weihua, Uncertainty measures in multigranulation with different grades rough set based on dominance relation,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2016 (31): 1133–1144. (SCI: DT9SK)
2. Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Ling, Luo Shuqun, Xu Weihua. Similarity degrees and uncertainty measures in intuitionistic fuzzy decision tables. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 31(6):2767-2777. (SCI:E12YC)
3. Xu Weihua, Guo Yanting, Generalized multigranulation double-quantitative decision-theoretic rough set, Knowledge-Based Systems, 105(1),2016: 190-205. (SCI: DQ1KZ)
4. Xu Weihua, Li Wentao. Granular computing approach to two-way learning based on formal concept analysis in fuzzy datasets, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 2016, 46(2): 366-379. (SCI: DE9MX)
5. Guo Yanting, Xu Weihua*, Rough fuzzy set based on logical disjunct operation of variable precision and grade in ordered information system. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2016, 5508-5514. (EI: 20163602765793)
6. Guo Yanting, Xu Weihua*, Attribute Reduction in Multi-source Decision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016(9920): 558-568. (EI: 20164402972403)
7. 胡猛,徐伟华*,序信息系统中基于“逻辑且”和“逻辑或”的双量化粗糙模糊集. 计算机科学, 2016, 43(1): 98-102.
8. 余建航,徐伟华*, 序信息系统下基于精度与程度“逻辑与”和“逻辑或”的粗糙集, 计算机科学. 2016, 43(2): 269-272.
9. 李蒙蒙,徐伟华*,优势关系下变精度与程度“逻辑且”粗糙模糊集.计算机科学与探索. 2016, 10(2): 277-284.
10. 胡猛,郭艳婷,徐伟华*,优势关系下直觉模糊信息系统的变精度与程度“逻辑或”粗糙集. 运筹与模糊, 2016, 6(2): 66-77.
11. 史德容,徐伟华*,区间值模糊决策序信息系统的部分一致约简.智能系统学报,2016,(4):469-474.
1. Yu Jianhang, Xu Weihua*. Incremental computing approximations with the dynamic object set in interval-valued ordered information system, Fundamenta Informaticae,142(2015):373-397. (SCI待检)
2. Li Wentao, Xu Weihua*, Double-quantitative decision-theoretic rough set, Information Sciences, 316 (2015), 54–67. (SCI: VL1VI)
3. Li Jinhai. Mei Changlin. Xu Weihua. Qian Yuhua.Concept learning via granular computing: A cognitive view point.Information Sciences, 298(2015), 447–467. (SCI: CB4HY)
4. Li Wentao, Xu Weihua*, Multigranulation Decision-theoretic Rough Set in Ordered Information System, Fundamenta Informaticae, 139 (2015), 67–89. (SCI: CN8ZF)
5. Xu Weihua, Li Wentao, Luo Shuqun, Knowledge reductions in generalized approximation space over two universes based on evidence theory. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 28 (2015) 2471–2480 .(SCI: CN9GP)
6. Yu Jianhang, Xu Weihua. Information fusion in multi-source fuzzy information system with same structure, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 12-15 July, 2015: 170-175. (EI待检)
7. Yu Jianhang, Xu Weihua. Multigranulation with different grades rough set in ordered information system, in: Proceeding of ICNC'15-FSKD'15, Zhangjiajie, 15-17 August, 2015, 937-942. (EI待检)
9. 余建航,徐伟华,序信息系统下变精度与程度的“逻辑或”粗糙集.计算机科学与探索,2015,9(1):112-118
10.余建航,徐伟华*, 序信息系统下变精度与程度的“逻辑与”粗糙集, 模糊系统与数学, 2015, 29(4): 146-152.
1. Xu Weihua, Pang Jingzhong, Luo Shuqun, A novel cognitive system model and approach to transformation of information granules, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2014, 55(3): 853-866.(SCI: AC8TM)
2. Xu Weihua, Liu Yufeng, Sun Wenxin, Uncertainty measure of Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy T equivalence information systems, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 26 (2014): 1799–1811.(SCI: AC1HS)
3. Xu Weihua, Wang Qiaorong, Luo Shunqun, Multi-granulation fuzzy rough sets, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 26 (2014):1323-1340.(SCI: AA5KO)
4. Fan Bingjiao, Xu Weihua*, and Yu Jianhang, Uncertainty Measures in Ordered Information System Based on Approximation Operators, Abstract and Applied Analysis, (2014), Article ID 846205, 17 pages. (SCI: AE7VF)
5. Luo Shuqun, Xu Weihua*, Rough Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy sets model over two universes and its applications, The World Science Journal, (2014), Article ID 348683, 13 pages. (SCI: AH7JU)
6. Li Wentao, Zhang Xiaoyan and Sun Wenxin. Further Study of Multigranulation T-Fuzzy Rough Sets, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Aritical ID 927014, 18 pages.(SCI: AC1HS)
7.Li Wentao, Xu Weihua. Probabilistic Rough Set Model Based on Dominance Relation, RSKT 2014, LNAI 8818, pp. 856-863, 2014.
8. Li Wentao, Xu Weihua. On Rough Membership Degrees in Ordered Information Systems, International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering, 2014, 8(1): 11-19.
9. 徐伟华,罗术群,孔莎莎,多源环境下学生综合素质的决策分析,模糊系统与数学,2014,28(1):178-183.
1. Pang Jingzhong, Zhang Xiaoyan, Xu Weihua, Attribute Reduction in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Concept Lattices, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 271398, 12 pages, 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/271398.(SCI: 246JI)
2. Xu Weihua, Liu Shihu, Knowledge reduction in lattice-valued information systems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. Vol. 22, No. 1 (2013) 1250030 (29 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0218213012500303.(SCI: 116RR)
3. Xu Weihua, Liu Yufeng, Li Tongjun, Intuitionistic fuzzy ordered information system, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013, 21(3): 367-390.(SCI: 167FV)
4. Xu Weihua, Wang Qiaorong, Zhang Xiantao,Multi-granulation rough sets based on tolerance relations,Soft Computing (2013) 17:1241-1252.(SCI: 159KA)
5. Xu Weihua, Liu Shihu,Zhang Wenxiu, Lattice-valued information systems based on dominance relation, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2013,4(2): 245-257.(SCI:V36HS)
6. Xu Weihua, Sun Wenxin, Liu Feng, Fuzzy rough set models over two universes, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2013,4(6): 631-645.(SCI: V36HW)
7. Xu Weihua, Zhang Xiaoyan, ZhangWenxiu ,Two new types of multiple granulation rough set, ISRN Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013, Article ID 791356, 15 pages.
8. Xu Weihua, Wang Qiaorong, Luo Shuqun,Optimistic multi-granulation fuzzy rough sets on tolerance relations,Proceedings of the 2012 4th International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2012,299-302. (EI: 20132016337964)
9. BingjiaoFan,WeihuaXu,andJianhangYu ,Uncertainty Measures in Ordered Information System Based on Approximation Operators,Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 846205, 17 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/846205
10. Xiaoyan Zhang, Weihua Xu ,Methods for Lower Approximation Reduction in Inconsistent Decision Table Based on Tolerance Relation,Applied Mathematics, 2013, 4, 144-148 http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/am.2013.41024 Published Online January 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/am)
11. 徐伟华,张先韬,王巧荣,序信息系统中变精度粗糙集属性约简的Matlab实现,重庆理工大学学报(自然科学版),2013,27(1):107-115.
1. Xu Weihua, Li Yuan,Liao Xiuwu, Approaches to attribute reductions based on rough set and matrix computation in inconsistent ordered information systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, 27 (2012) 78–91. (SCI: 897KE)
2. Weihua Xu, Wenxin Sun, Xiaoyan Zhang,and Wenxiu Zhang,Multiple granulation rough set approach to ordered information systems, International Journal of General Systems, 2012,41(5): 475-501. (SCI: 945JD)
3. Xiaoyan Zhang,Weihua Xu, Ranking for Objects and Attribute Reductions in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ordered Information Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2012, Article ID 426901, 19 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/426901.(SCI:954MV )
4. Xu Weihua,Zhang Xiantao,Wang Qiaorong, Sun Shuai,On General Binary Relation Based Rough Set, Journal of Information and Computing Science,2012,7(1):54-66.
5. Xu Weihua, Sun Wenxin, Wang Qiaorong, Liu Yufeng. Attribute reduction in tolerance information systems based on evidence theory, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 2012, 4(2), 267-279.
6. Xu Weihua,Zhang Xiantao, Wang Qiaorong, A Generalized Multi-granulation Rough Set Approach,Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics,2012,1,(6840):681-689. (EI:20120314683984)
7. Xu Weihua, Sun Wenxin, Liu Yufeng, Optimistic Multi-Granulation Fuzzy Rough Set Model Based on Triangular Norm, Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligece, 2012,8(7414): 20-27.(EI:20123415353924)
8. Xu Weihua, Liu Yufeng, Sun Wenxin, Upper Approximation Reduction Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy T Equivalence Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligece, 2012,8(7414): 55-62.(EI:20123415353963)
9. Xu Weihua, Liu Yufeng, Sun Wenxin, Intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets model based on $(Theta,Phi)$-operators,Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2012,5: 240-244.(EI: 20130515971185)
10. Xu Weihua, Sun Wenxin, Liu Yufeng, Optimistic multi-granulation fuzzy rough set model in ordered information system, Preceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, Hangzhou,2012, 666-671.(EI:20131216134160)
11. Zhang Xiaoyan and Xu Weihua,Fuzzy Rough Set Based on Dominance Relations,Z. Qian et al. (Eds.): Recent Advances in CSIE 2011, LNEE 125, pp. 119–125. springerlink.com ? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
12. Xu Weihua,Wang Qiaorong,Luo Shuqun,Optimistic Multi-granulation Fuzzy Rough Sets on Tolerance Relations,978-0-7695-4951-4/13 $26.00 ? 2013 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ISISE.2012.75
13. Xu Weihua,Luo Shuqun,The intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets model over two different universes,978-0-7695-4951-4/13 $26.00 ? 2013 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ISISE.2012.74
14. JIANJUN WANG,WEIHUA XU,BIN ZOU,王建军一文,International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing Vol. 10, No. 3 (2012) 1250021 (18 pages) c World Scienti?c Publishing Company DOI: 10.1142/S021969131250021X
1. Xiaoyan Zhang, Shihu Liu, and Weihua Xu, Rough Set Approach to Approximation Reduction in Ordered Decision Table with Fuzzy Decision, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2011, Article ID 268929, 16 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/268929. (SCI: 866XL)
2. Xu Weihua, Wang Qiaorong, Zhang Xiantao,Multi-granulation Fuzzy Rough Sets in a Fuzzy Tolerance Approximation Space,International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2011,13(4): 246-259.(SCI:881AU)
3. Xu Weihua, Liu Shihu,Zhang Wenxiu. On Granularity in Information Systems Based on Binary Relation, Intelligent Information Management, 2011,3(3):75-86.
4. Xu Weihua, Liu Yufeng, Sun Wenxin,On Starshaped Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Applied Mathematics,2011, 2(8): 1051-1058.
5. 徐伟华,刘士虎,张文修.一般二元关系下信息系统知识的粒度描述.计算机工程与应用,2011,47(18):40-44.
6. 徐伟华,孙文鑫,刘玉锋,星形模糊集的性质,运筹与模糊学, 2011, 1, 6-10.
7. 徐伟华,王巧荣,张先韬,不协调格值目标信息系统的近似约简,计算机工程,2011,37 (23): 69-71
8. 徐伟华,张先韬,王巧荣,基于包含度的变精度模糊粗糙集,计算机科学,2011,38(9):230-233.
9. 徐伟华,张先韬,王巧荣,基于等价关系逻辑“与”“或”的粗糙集,数据挖掘,2011,1(1): 7-12.
10. 徐伟华等,优势关系下分配约简矩阵算法的程序实现,重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)2011,25(4),117-122.
11. Xu Weihua, Wang Qiaorong, Zhang Xiantao, Multi-granulation Fuzzy Rough Set Model on Tolerance Relations,Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence,Wuhan, Hubei, China, October 19-21, 2011,359-366.(EI: 20121314901797)
12. Xiaoyan Zhang, Weihua Xu, Lower Approximation Reduction in Ordered Information System with Fuzzy Decision,Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 918-921 doi:10.4236/am.2011.27125 Published Online July 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/am)
13. Xiaoyan Zhang, Weihua Xu, Rough Computational Approach to UAR based on Dominance Matrix in IOIS,Intelligent Information Management, 2011, 3, 131-136 doi:10.4236/iim.2011.34016 Published Online July 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/iim)
14. 张晓燕, 徐伟华, 张文修,基于最小描述交的覆盖广义粗糙集,基金项目: 重庆理工大学青年科研项目
15. Xiaoyan Zhang, Weihua Xu, 极大子群的h-完备与群的可解性,Pure Mathematics 理论数学, 2011, 1, 124-131 doi:10.4236/pm.2011.12025 Published Online July 2011 (http://www.hanspub.org/journal/pm/)
1. Xu Weihua, Zhang Xiaoyan,Zhong Jianmin, Zhang Wenxiu. Attribute reduction in ordered information systems based on evidence theory, Knowledge and Information Systems,2010,25(1):169-184. (SCI: 685UG)
2. Xu Weihua, Liu Shihu,Zhang Wenxiu.The first type of graded rough set based on rough membership function, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2010, 8: 1922-1926. (EI:20104813422746)
3. Zhang Xiaoyan, Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu.A Novel Algorithm of Matrix Computation for Lower Approximation Reduction in IOIS, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2010, 8: 1876-1880. (EI:20104813422736)
4. Xu Weihua, Liu Shihu,Zhang Wenxiu. Upper approximation reduction in ordered information system with fuzzy decision, International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering, 2010, 2(4):111-114.
5. 徐伟华, 刘世虎, 张文修. 一般二元关系下基于粗糙隶属函数的程度粗糙集,重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2010,24(10),101-108.
6. 徐伟华, 张晓燕, 钟坚敏,张文修. 序信息系统中属性约简的启发式算法,计算机工程,2010,36(17),69-71.),2010,24(10),101-108.
7. 张晓燕, 徐伟华, 张文修. 序目标信息系统中分布约简的矩阵算法,重庆理工大学学报(自然科学).
8. Xu Weihua, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhang Wenxiu. Knowledge granulation, knowledge entropy and knowledge uncertainty measurein ordered information systems , Applied Soft Computing,9 (2009):1244–1251. (SCI:486CI)
9. 徐伟华, 张晓燕, 张文修. 基于优势关系下不协调目标信息系统的部分一致约简.模糊系统与数学,2009, 23(6): 224-231.
10. 徐伟华, 张晓燕, 张文修. 优势关系下不协调目标信息系统的上近似约简.计算机工程,2009, 35(18): 191-193.
11. 徐伟华, 张晓燕, 张文修. 优势关系下不协调目标信息系统的下近似约简.计算机工程与应用,2009, 45(16): 66-68.
12. 徐伟华, 张晓燕. 序信息系统中基于粗糙熵的不确定性度量.工程数学学报,2009,26(2):283-289.
13. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. Knowledge Reduction and Matrix Computation in Inconsistent Ordered Information Systems, Int. J. Business Intelligence and Data Mining. 3(2008):409–425.
14. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. Methods for knowledge reduction in inconsistent ordered information systems. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2008, 26(1-2): 313-323. (EI: 20083411463170)
15. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. Measuring roughness of generalized rough sets induced by a covering . Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2007, 158:2443-2455. (SCI:222JL)
16. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. Uncertainty measures of roughness of knowledge and rough sets in ordered information systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2007, 4682: 759-769. (EI: 080311023763)
17. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. Fuzziness in covering generalized rough sets. Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, 2007, 4: 386-390. (ISTP: BGW81)
18. Zhang Xiaoyan, Xu Weihua. A novel approach to roughness measure in fuzzy rough sets . Advances in Soft Computing, 2007(40): 775-780. (ISTP:BGJ66)
19. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. A novel algorithm of matrix computation for knowledge reductions in inconsistent ordered information systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2007, 3: 91-95. (EI: 20082211281927)
20. 徐伟华, 张文修. 基于优势关系下不协调目标信息系统的分布约简. 模糊系统与数学, 2007, 21(4): 124-131.
21. 徐伟华, 张文修. 基于优势关系信息系统分配约简的矩阵算法. 计算机工程,2007, 33(14): 4-7.
22. 徐伟华, 张晓燕,苏雅娟,张文修. 基于优势关系下协调近似空间(续). 计算机科学, 2007,34(3): 148-150.
23. 张文修, 徐伟华. 基于粒计算的认知模型. 工程数学学报,2007,24(6):957-971.
24. 张晓燕,徐伟华. 序信息系统的知识粗糙熵与粗集粗糙熵. 计算机工程与应用
25. 张晓燕,宋笑雪,徐伟华. 模糊粗糙集中依参数粗糙度的新算法. 咸阳师范学院学报
26. Xu Weihua, Shao Mingwen, Zhang Wenxiu. Knowledge reduction based on evidence reasoning theory in ordered information systems . Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2006(4092): 535-547. (SCI: BEY15)
27. XU Wei-hua ZHANG Wen-xiu. Knowledge reductions in inconsistent information systems based on dominance relation. Institute of Information and system Sciences
28. 徐伟华, 张文修. 广义覆盖粗糙集的模糊性. 模糊系统与数学, 2006, 20(6): 115-121.
29. 徐伟华, 张文修. 基于优势关系下不协调目标信息系统的知识约简. 计算机科学, 2006, 33(2): 182-184.
30. 徐伟华. 基于优势关系下信息系统的知识约简// 张文修, 姚一豫, 梁怡. 粗糙集与概念格. 西安: 西安交通大学出版社, 2006: 325-354.
31. Xu Weihua, Zhang Wenxiu. Knowledge reductions in inconsistent information systems based on dominance relation//The 11th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Beijing, China, July 28-31, 2005: Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence, 2005, 3: 1493-1496.
32. 徐伟华, 张文修. 基于优势关系下协调近似空间. 计算机科学, 2005, 32(9): 164-165.